Thank you so much. Again, I have only a few minutes.
From my research, I know that digital advertising is about $15 billion in this country. I think Google is responsible for about half of that across the country. It's a relationship that works well between Canadians and Google Canada. Obviously, there's a service that's provided and they benefit mutually. I understand that.
This relationship on Google's side comes with a lot of responsibility. You're the distributor of news, of content, and I believe that blocking news from people intentionally is a breach of this responsibility, of this trust that should exist between the citizens of this country and an international organization like yours.
Back in the late 1700s, the postal offices in the United States had control of all distribution of news. They didn't create the news, but they distributed the news, like Google does. There were certain news agencies that were being blocked, and legislation was passed to say that the postal office couldn't interfere with the distribution of content in mass media like that. To me, it seems like this is happening. Even if you say it's a 4% testing piece, it's still happening. You're actually blocking news and content from Canadians, and there's a huge responsibility you have as an organization to allow the news to be accessed freely.
I have a question for you. Who do you report to?