As mentioned, I don't work on the complaints side of our business. I can respond for a minute about how I feel as an athlete about it, and then I'd like to pass it over to Ilan, if that's okay, because I don't work in complaints.
From an athlete perspective, I for one am very respectful of all the different opinions that athletes currently have on the notion of independence. I also know many athletes who are quite happy with OSIC and are not quite as vocal as some athletes who are not. In addition, as an athlete who had nowhere to report to but my CEO who hired the guy who abused me, I welcome any independent mechanism that can provide a service to the athletes.
What I fear from an athlete level is that if we get caught up in what I call “nuances”, which is maybe not a respectful term for many people who have different beliefs on the notion of true independence or whatever, we will slow the progress down and discourage any participant from coming forward and feeling safe to report their abuse.
I will pass it to Ilan.