Specifically, we separate ourselves from the actual investigation. We have an arm with Western Law called Sport Solutions. If an athlete comes to us specifically with any sort of complaint whether it's, say, with sport, athlete agreements, the selection process, we advise them to go to that. They get consultation from lawyers there on what they should do, whether it should go through OSIC, whether it should go through the SDRCC complaint mechanism, whether it should go to criminal investigation. That is the way we filter the athletes.
Outside that, in terms of advocating, we need a safe mechanism. As has been alluded to, when NSOs in the past were able to self-police themselves or complaints came back to the HPD, and then they would just bury things, those things cannot happen moving forward. We need a system in place where reporting can happen and athletes, again, can feel safe reporting, and where action is taken from their complaints.