I'm at a loss for words over what you've just told us. It's very profound. We are listening to you and we understand.
We know the pain that you've endured. We hear your powerful voices. Ms. McCormack, when you say we can't continue with the status quo of harm, that is something that I think every member of this committee absolutely agrees with. We are wedded to that idea as well. We have to stop the harm. That's why we've been having these hearings; that's why we continue to hear this profound testimony from each of you. Thank you.
We've heard your voices on a public inquiry. I think that is something that, as a committee, we will be discussing as part of the report that we have to prepare. Personally, I absolutely support the call for a public inquiry.
What has to happen now? What does the federal government need to be doing now with Canada Soccer, Fencing Canada, Boxing Canada or Gymnastics Canada? What are the measures that the federal government needs to put in place now?
These are all organizations funded by the taxpayer. They have basically had carte blanche. They've had a blank cheque to do whatever they want. The astounding, appalling, horrific stories of harm and abuse that continue and are perpetuated obviously show that Sport Canada and the federal government haven't been doing their job.
What would you like to see the sports minister announce this week that would oblige each of these organizations to fill their mandate of not doing harm, protecting the athletes and protecting the public?