Shall we do as we did earlier, Mr. Chair?
Minister, earlier, my colleague Mr. Shields raised an important point, which I'd like to come back to. It's something I raise as often as I can, and that's federal government-bought advertising in the media. I talked about this in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. We're now in 2023 and I'm still talking about it, since nothing has been done.
The advertising that the federal government buys is mainly bought on Google, Facebook and social media. We're in an era where the government tries to work with these web giants, but ends up fighting them to contribute. Small media outlets are absorbing phenomenal revenue losses while tens of millions of dollars are invested in the web giants—Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft.
When we ask questions, we're told that each department manages its advertising budget envelope, that it's the agencies that choose where the money is directed, that the goal is to reach as many people as possible and, of course, that it ends up in the pockets of these web giants.
It would be nice, Minister, if we could stop passing the buck from one department to another and have someone in government say that enough is enough and that investing in advertising with these web giants doesn't make sense. This money, these tens of millions of dollars invested every year, must go into the pockets of our small media. The latter are crying out for help. Every week, another one closes its doors. There are also newsrooms that are no longer able to provide a quality service.
Today, I'd like you to commit to stop investing in these web giants and invest in Quebec and Canadian media. They are struggling and need the money.
Do you agree with me? Will you do something about it? I'd love to see that.