You've heard me numerous times, I'm sure, if you've checked in with us. There's club, provincial and national, and then we have the Olympics.
Listen, Ben Johnson raced for Scarborough for many years. He was on PEDs long before the Seoul Olympics. We just found out in September 1988 on the 100 metres, when he ran 9.79, that in fact he was the problem. Then we had the Dubin inquiry.
You see where I'm going here. I'm not sure about any inquiry, because it depends on the ultimate, which is the Olympics. This is where the Ben Johnson story came from. It was the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
I don't hear it from anyone in my province, Saskatchewan. I don't hear from any of the clubs that they want an inquiry. It would start at the top, which is the Olympics. Would you agree or not?
That's where the Dubin inquiry started. Johnson ran for years with Scarborough. I covered him. Nobody gave a shit about whether he was taking PEDs at the time. It wasn't until Seoul, Korea.