Thank you for the question, Mr. Chair.
It is a concern from the club level up for certain. When you consider that clubs are run by volunteer boards, you see that they are parents who are working full-time in other jobs and have invested themselves in their children's sport to be a member of a board or to be supportive of the club.
In the provincial sections, all clubs need to comply with their provincial sport body insofar as the policies and the procedures that are in place at the provincial level are concerned. There are also national policies and procedures that each club must follow.
It is hard to reach down. It is hard to get all of the information to the club level. I think that is where the coordinated approach is going to be so important. There are different levels at play. Understanding and ensuring that the little club in Saskatoon, or wherever across the country, has the resources and that it understands where it can go to get the resources from the provincial level is really important.