Again, I understand. I think it's part of the hockey paradigm.
Richard was asking whether it was different by team. As you stated, I think it's the same as when your dad was there in the eighties. Whether it's a new hockey family or an old hockey family that goes through generations, the league stays relatively the same. Given that this committee's goal is to make recommendations related to....
Each sport is different, but in hockey, we've tackled the safe sport issue a little bit. I think the new board is committed to dealing with a safer sport.
In terms of labour conditions within junior hockey, what are the major recommendations you would say we should make? We can only really exercise them through funding from Sport Canada to Hockey Canada. We don't have leverage over the leagues themselves, necessarily. What are the major things...?
Chris explored whether it should be unionized, whether the league should have policies. Basically, they're taking mostly underage kids away from their parents, putting them with billet families and not really taking care of them in a proper way. What should we recommend?
I'll go maybe to both of you.