Thank you, Mr. Julian, for your kindness. It's good to see all of you too. It's nice to be back with you.
To your point, it has been sport's dirty secret for decades. This was not a well-known issue unless you came from sport or had lived through this. For some people who were from sport, they felt that my doing safe sport could damage sport. We saw this back in 1988. There were people who thought that the Dubin inquiry would damage sport, but sport continued. The Paralympics and Olympics continued. Sport got stronger. Our athletes were stronger because of that inquiry.
I think there has been fear in some corners about going forward with a national public inquiry because it could damage sport, but I think we have a real opportunity here. Yes, it's going to be hard. This past year has been hard. It's been really hard. You're going to hear, whoever does the inquiry, should there be one, more hard stories, but ultimately sport will be better for it.