There should be no ban on parents being there. The parents have the constitutionally protected right over the child, not the coach, and when parents are banned, then the child loses their voice, and now it's the coach's voice. That is an imbalance of power right there, and that should never legally happen, ever. Why is a parent banned? Why am I banned from my child in the name of sports?
You should have a therapist, like a camp counsellor or a school counsellor, who is there so that a child can feel safe going to them and is not questioned, “Why did you go see the counsellor?” Just do the daily mental health checks. We have children and adults who are suicidal, who are cutting or addicted. There are all sorts of things due to this trauma, so what we need is that early intervention to make sure that they are safe, that we can rebalance the power and that there is no fear, but rather there is safety, and the fear is in the coach.