If I may just add, again, I think it's an emerging area, and the parties that are involved in bringing forward the recommendations are really going to bring expertise and will be wrestling with these questions. In that respect, faith can be put in their capacity to wrestle with these questions.
I did want to just return to this question of digital art. I may have made too firm a distinction between digital art as a medium, as opposed to a practice. I had a moment to just quickly confirm, since we are talking about the Canada Council. It has a very clear definition of digital art as a practice, which I can share with you. It states:
...digital arts are any form of artistic expression by professional artists, groups or organizations that responds to the following parameters:
Predominantly uses digital technologies throughout the artistic process as a stand-alone digital art work, and/or a repurposed digital art work for use with other art works;
Contributes to expanding vocabulary, impact or form of digital arts in various artistic contexts: critical, cultural, social, technological, etc.
I will stress, though, that the intent here is to work in the realm of the visual, so it's important that digital art is a range of practice that is outside of the visual.
You can have digital art that's.... I would again stress that the spirit here is to work in the realm of the visual arts, but that could be inclusive of artists who are working in a digital practice.