I am just thinking about the whole question of AI and AI-generated art, and whether or not that would have an impact. There's a growing body of work being done by AI, beautiful pieces of art, abstracts, impressionists, you name it. AI is now producing art that can then be printed using 3-D printers and all kinds of other varieties of forms.
How comfortable are you that the folks who would be part of the adjudication would have the.... It's not a question of expertise but, you know, if things are increasingly difficult to differentiate once produced, are you comfortable that the individuals involved in the provisions of this amendment would create enough space for there to be a real delineation between what is sort of truly—I know it's all art—art generated by humans and not generated by AI.
Are we running a risk here of perhaps the unintended consequence of having something selected that was generated by AI and not by the artists themselves, or am I just worrying too much?