Thank you, Madam Chair.
I would like to thank the honourable member from the Bloc. He is correct. On the third bullet, I eliminated, on purpose, “on Meta platforms.” However, in the fourth bullet, I have what I think can bring everyone together, if you don't mind.
It reads, “The CBC receives $1.4 billion in public funding and that Meta, Google and other media platforms receive over $1 billion in indirect subsidies annually through taxpayer dollars, and that this committee has a mandate to review Government expenditures.
“a) That the committee invite”—
I know I've struck the word “subpoena”, and we've talked about it, but I just want to “invite”.
“—Rachel Curran, head of public policy, Meta Canada, to come before the committee, and summon the president of CBC, Catherine Tait, to appear for two hours”—
That's not for one hour, but two hours.
“—by herself, within the next seven days of the motion being adopted”.
I'm hearing rumours that in fact Ms. Tait is coming next Thursday, November 2. I would like it to be for two hours.
It then reads, “b) invite the CBC Director of Journalistic Standards, George Achi, and the CBC ombudsman, Jack Nagler, to appear separately for a minimum of an hour and a half each to address the CBC’s position on journalistic standards and practices.”
Thank you, Madam Chair.