Thank you. I appreciate your answers.
I'd like to move a motion. There's a notice of motion that has been distributed:
Given that, the Department of Canadian Heritage approved ‘anti-racism’ grants upwards of $130,000 to Laith Marouf of the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) despite his open and repeated history of racist, anti-semitic, violent and anti-francophone language, and that, after 8 months of the Department of Canadian Heritage confirming that they have revoked the grant funds and requested a return in full, the Department has yet to receive any of the revoked funding, the committee:
a) Demand the immediate return of all government grant funding awarded to Laith Marouf;
b) Call on the Government of Canada to collect the revoked grant funds by any means necessary, including legal action;
c) Hear testimony from the Minister of Heritage on this matter within one week of this motion being adopted;
d) Report this to the House .