Mr. Chair, six years ago today, unthinkable violence shattered the quiet community I serve. Like countless others in Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe, this event remains deeply personal to me. At the time I worked with the three RCMP members who died in the line of duty, and two others who were injured.
I have never spoken about this in Parliament, instead saving my remarks for the annual three kilometre Three Fathers Memorial Run. The first run happened on Father's Day 2014, just days after we said goodbye to constables Doug Larche, Fabrice Gevaudan and Dave Ross.
In the years since, the Three Fathers Memorial Run and community efforts have made the legacy of our darkest day one of love instead of hate. We have planted trees, raised scholarship funds at the run, gathered at our memorial and otherwise honoured those who ran to danger.
COVID-19 keeps us from gathering this year. We will stand together by staying apart, but I want all Canadians to know that we stand forever, Moncton strong.