Mr. Chair, black lives matter. We are hearing these chants echo throughout the world. No one should ever have to assert their right to life, nor have to justify why they must be treated as equals. It is an inherent right within us all. No one should ever have to say again, “I can't breathe”, or be the subject of gratuitous violence by those who have sworn to protect us.
The weaponization of laws and abuse of power have become all too common. For racialized people, the racial profiling, the terror of being followed for no reason, the fear for yourself and your loved ones, knowing that things can get bad within minutes, even seconds, leave us traumatized. These experiences remain imprinted upon us. We never forget or heal from these traumas. We are left with scars that we carry for the rest of our lives.
To those who deny the existence of systemic racism and institutional discrimination, it is not up to you to deny the existence of the inequalities and contempt that some communities experience on a daily basis.
Until all forms of systemic oppression are obliterated, there is little hope for equality or humanity.