Thank you, Madam Chair.
I know at the outset of this pandemic a big concern of our government was the possibility that we could in places run out of ventilators, as tragically occurred in northern Italy.
Now that hasn't happened and hopefully it won't happen, but the pandemic is far from being over and certainly a lot of people are predicting further waves to come. I don't think we are going to run out of ventilators because we've started to mass-produce them here in Canada. I want to give a big shout-out of congratulations to the Bombardier plant here in Thunder Bay, which as of last week started mass-producing portable ventilators. They're doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work.
I also want to congratulate O-Two in Brampton, which is part of the same endeavour.
Another big concern of mine as a long-time emergency room doctor, and I know this is a shared concern of our government, is PPE. I want to ask a question specifically about N95 masks. Last week in The Lancet, there was a big meta-analysis, which pretty clearly seemed to indicate that for most health care workers, N95 masks are superior to surgical masks in preventing transmission of disease.
I know this is an area of primarily provincial jurisdiction, but can our relevant ministries please tell us what we are doing to ensure our health care workers will get those N95 masks?