With great pride, as a daughter of Italian immigrants, I invite you during the month of Italian heritage to recognize the exceptional and valuable past and ongoing contributions made by Canadians of Italian origin to the culture, history and economic development of this great country, Canada. It is also an opportunity for us to remember their journeys, humble beginnings, hard work and dedication to family, and to celebrate their stellar accomplishments spanning numerous industries and professions.
I invite all Canadians to experience this month and throughout the year la dolce vita, and to learn more about rich Italian heritage and traditions. Treat yourselves to a gelato, cappuccino or cannoli, or enjoy playing a game of bocce. Better yet, come and visit Centre Leonardo de Vinci in Saint Léonard, my riding. It is an iconic community centre that encompasses all that is Italian and signals that you have arrived at a proud, strong and Italian community.
Auguri e lunga vita agli Italo canadesi.