Mr. Chair, in 1867, Canada as we know it today was created. The Canadian Constitution was signed between two founding peoples, as stated at the time, the English-speaking people and French-speaking people. When Pierre Bourgault referred to the creation of Canada, he always said that, at that time, the minority status of francophones in Canada was institutionalized.
Over time, the idea of the two founding peoples caught on. Even Pierre Elliott Trudeau fought relentlessly to make Canada as bilingual a country as possible. Unfortunately, history shows that the use of French throughout Canada has declined drastically.
The Canadian government is the only entity that can ensure the use of French and that can put an end to this drain. We're “lucky” because the Prime Minister of Canada is the son of the person who promoted a bilingual Canada.
Health Canada recently agreed that goods from abroad could have instructions for use written only in English. The Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada said that this showed “a flagrant lack of respect for francophones.”
My question is for the people who are supposed to enforce the use of French in Canada.
Will the francophones of Canada receive an apology?