Mr. Chair, I want to again draw the Prime Minister's attention to a very serious issue affecting employers all across the country, especially one in my own riding, Brandt Tractor.
Many companies have acquired other businesses and are unable to show a 30% drop in revenues because of the extra revenue from companies that they have acquired. There are over 3,000 people who work for Brandt, including 600 people who work for the company that they acquired, who are all facing layoffs if Brandt cannot be eligible for the same wage subsidy that has been made available to other employers.
This is a technicality. Suggestions have been made to the federal government to allow for companies in the same situation to access this program.
I did ask the Prime Minister about this a week ago. I wonder if he could give me an update as to whether or not these types of criteria will be brought in to allow for more workers to stay on the job.