Matna, Mr. Chair.
Before I really launch in, I want to say how difficult it is sometimes to stand here as an indigenous woman, not only in a system that wasn't built for me but in a system that was meant to eliminate us as indigenous peoples.
In Nunavut, we know the rate of suicide is nine times that of the rest of Canada. Seven out of 10 children go to school hungry. One person in three lives in an overcrowded or mouldy home. Women in the north are three times more likely to experience a violent crime. Systemic and systematic racism is real.
Mr. Chair, National Indigenous Peoples Day is on June 21, as has been mentioned repeatedly today. Even though indigenous peoples in Canada have faced and continue to face incredible inequality, we have strong and beautiful contributions to make, whether in the arts, in music, in education, in medicine, in politics or in any aspect of life.
Mr. Chair, we're done with empty words and sympathy. Systemic and systematic racism is real. We need the federal government to put their money where their mouth is and provide action.
Inuuvunga. I am Inuk. I am part of a resilient people and proud to be.