I want to say a few words to all young Canadians.
We haven't forgotten about you. The pandemic has cost you dearly in experiences, relationships and friendships. Classes are being held at home, sports activities have been cancelled. There are no group get-togethers, no grad, no after-grad parties. I'll admit that celebrating coming of age in your parents' backyard is not the most cool.
While we old people talk about the pandemic, CERB, the deficit and economic recovery, you young people are developing your talents on TikTok and following influencers on Instagram and YouTube. Exchanging news on Snapchat is becoming the norm.
Do you remember the last time your parents told you to put down your cell phone and that you didn't have a life because you were always in front of your computer screen? That must have been in March, before the damn virus descended on us.
My grandparents' generation lived through World War II. My parents' generation experienced the post-war recovery. My generation didn't really have a hard time. You will be the young people of the COVID-19 pandemic. You are the future of this country. I have confidence in your ability to rise above these challenges. The future is technological, digital and global, and you are the best at it. With you, Canada will be in good hands.