I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to the sixth meeting of the House of Commons Special Committee on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Today's meeting is taking place by videoconference. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. When you are ready to speak, please activate your mic. When you are not speaking, leave your mic on mute. Of course, change the language when you change the language on the screen.
I would remind hon. members that if you want to speak English, you should be on the English channel; if you want to speak French, you should be on the French channel; and should you wish to alternate between the two languages, as I just did, you should change the channel to the language that you are speaking, each time you switch languages. In addition, please direct your remarks through the chair and speak slowly and clearly at all times to help our interpreters.
Finally, for members who will be speaking, we strongly recommend that you use a headset. I recommend the headset for your fellow members, but also for the interpreters as it gets loud, up and down, and it squeaks. It really does make it difficult for them if you do not have the prescribed headsets.
We'll go on to ministerial announcements.
I understand that there are no ministerial announcements today, so we will proceed to presenting petitions, for a period not exceeding 15 minutes.
I would like to remind members that any petition presented during a meeting of the special committee must have already been certified by the clerk of petitions.
We will now proceed to presenting petitions.