Thank you.
I want to reflect on our earlier amendments to the routine motions that basically set the agenda-making process open to the entire committee.
I have had the privilege of reaching out to every member of this committee. I've had discussions with the other co-chairs about really being intentional about setting our work plan early and having an emphasis, perhaps, in the next two or three meetings, on the specificity of the work plan.
Having reviewed the motions that have been set out today, and recognizing where we are with time in this meeting, I wonder if we can come to a consensus that we will concentrate the next two meetings for sure on setting out a work plan in which we can get into witnesses and agenda items. The fact that we've already contemplated the agenda items as being open to the committee as a whole suggests that we could address the first two routine motions put forward by Mr. Virani. I would go even further, to suggest that while the other new motions that have been presented are in order and this is the appropriate time to deal with them, it might be better for us to take advantage of having constituted this committee and gone through the administrative processes that were already agreed upon in advance, rather than trying to embark on this whole new subset of administrative questions, which may be better suited for a next meeting that deals strictly with the work plan.
I don't know what the intention is in terms of how long people want to debate this long list of new and additional motions. It has generally been my experience that prior to considering routine motions, the different parties have had discussions and have come to some kind of consensus so that members can move through them routinely. I would put, through you, Madam Chair, to the movers of these motions, both Mr. Virani and Mr. Motz, that it might make sense, for the sake of making it through this first meeting, to commit to addressing these in a deeper way at the very next sitting of this committee, so that we don't feel rushed for time and we don't feel squeezed by the need for interpretation.