What bothers me a bit more is the business of redacted documents. We can't wait until testimony is over for someone to explain what justifies the redacting or to find out whether it is possible to clean up the documents sent at the beginning a bit to reveal more of the content. For example, I am using these documents to ask the witnesses questions, but there may be redacted content that I would use to prepare my questions. I am working with the documents I have. If I have to wait to the end, after the witnesses have appeared, to get access to documents that are not as redacted, it won't be useful to me anymore for doing my work.
It is actually important to know the reasons for the redacting and see whether it is possible to reveal all or part of the content that was redacted to begin with, but it should be done before testimony is finished. Otherwise, we are deprived of information and prevented from doing our job properly: if we had had access to certain information, instead of it being redacted, there are probably a lot of other questions we could have asked witnesses. The redacting prevents us from doing a good job.