Thank you, Madam Chair.
To pick up on what Senator Harder just said, I don't believe there is anything in my motion that would preclude us from having a pointed discussion on a witness to say that the committee—in its wisdom of votes in favour of changing our usual course of business—have somebody for a full three hours or other amount of time. I think it allows for the flexibility that we need while also ensuring that we get the work done and that we instruct the clerks accordingly, because as Senator Harder just mentioned, the clerks need to call witnesses and schedule them. I think it is also easier to schedule a witness for 1.5 hours than for three hours.
I would now like to address my colleague Mr. Fortin more directly.
I want to point out that for a round, we are talking here about five minutes for the witness's presentation and 40 minutes for questions. That is a total of 45 minutes for the first round, which is entirely feasible in an hour and a half. It would be followed by a second round, as we did in the spring. It worked well in the spring, so I don't see why anyone is scandalized by the proposal today.
Obviously, you are the person managing the meeting, Madam Chair, but I suggest that the motion be put to a vote, and this would allow us to respond to the request made by Mr. Brock, who would like to leave us.