The police had arrived and were in place. You told us that they had started to arrive before you submitted your resignation and that they continued to arrive for a while after that. I don't know on exactly what date they were all there, but your plan was carried out and it worked. The additional police arrived and that is actually how the street was cleared.
I find it difficult to understand in what way the Emergency Measures Act was useful and why, as Senator Carignan asked you earlier, you left your position. It seems that everything you wanted happened. You were the hero. You could have cleared Wellington Street and then said the job was done, but you left. Honestly, that bothers me. I wonder why things happened as they did. I do not understand. It does not seem rational. Obviously, though, you are a rational man. I may not be getting it in all the detail, but I would like to get it so I understand what happened better.
You are a man of experience and you have the skills to manage this kind of situation. The situation was difficult, but still, it was an exciting challenge for a man of your calibre. How did you come to leave your position? You had a plan that was being carried out. All of a sudden, no one knew why, you left your position. You then let someone else carry out your plan and evacuate Wellington Street.
What happened?