Thank you.
Thank you, Senator Patterson. We welcome you to the committee.
I want to come back to the question of jurisdiction.
Mayor, you can talk about this.
The Police Services Act—to my knowledge, since it's been a while since I opened it up and looked at it—would normally say that the police service of jurisdiction would be Ottawa. If there's a requirement in an important investigation—normally it wouldn't be a city the size of Ottawa, but if a smaller department had a major case—then the Crown could step in and ask that the OPP take over the investigation, as an example. That's within the act, as far as I'm familiar with it.
When you look at it now, in reflection, do you see that there should be a provision or some agreement between the three levels of government that would look at how you do an integrated command at the front end of an incident like this, that it would be mandatory versus left to the police agencies to decide?