Thank you, Dr. West.
I'll move now to Professor Roach.
There are two articles—among many more, I'm sure—you published on this topic, Professor. I would like to refer to your May 12 article, where you state, “One issue that should be examined is whether CSIS failed to collect and share intelligence on whether there were links between the protests and far-right violent extremism. Canada's intelligence agency has been slow to accept far-right terrorism as a security threat”, and you go on. I wonder whether, in connection with this article and that statement, you could provide your recommendations about how we might address that—perhaps in writing to the committee, because my time is very limited.
I will also point you to your February 14, 2022 article, which was, of course, at the height of the occupation. You stated, “The RCMP acting as federal police only has jurisdiction over actual federal property. It is the local police that is responsible for the public street...that runs in front of the Parliament building and the main highway in Windsor leading to the Ambassador Bridge. Such arrangements should now be reconsidered.”
Again, thinking towards the recommendations this committee will make, could you provide your thoughts to the committee on those statements, as well as your statement—if I understand your testimony here correctly—to the effect that all of this is, essentially, the result of a failure in policing?
I'm not sure whether you would like to expand on any of those points in the short amount of time I have left. Again, if I could get your commitment to provide your thoughts in writing to the committee, we may benefit from them.