Thank you, Chair.
I wish to move an amendment to the motion read out by my colleague Mr. Motz.
The amended motion is as follows: After the word “That”, in the preamble, all of the remaining language in that preamble is to be deleted, so it would read: “That (a) in relation to the Federal Court judgment, (i) the committee invite the following witnesses to appear for at least 90 minutes,” deleting (A), keeping (B), deleting (C) to (H), and adding “(I) the Hon. Dominic Leblanc, Minister of Public Safety”.
(ii) would remain unchanged.
(b) would remain unchanged with the exception of the full deletion of (B). So (b)(i)(B) would be completely deleted, and then an additional (C) would read, “officials from the translation bureau.”
(b)(ii) would now read, “members of the committee shall, within five days of the appearance of the Privy Council Office, identify their preliminary lists of unilingual commission evidence or submissions for priority translation to the joint clerks who, in turn, shall relay those requests to the Privy Council Office.”
(c) and (d) would be deleted, and that's the end of the motion.
Was that impossible to follow?