What I would suggest to you, Senator, is that if you find that the criteria and the threshold were not met on the basis for invoking the act in the first place, then everything that flowed from the decision of invoking the act was improper as a consequence as well, as you're looking at how those powers were used. It's entirely appropriate for you to do that.
In addition, you have information today that Parliament didn't have at the time that it voted to support the invocation of the act. It's appropriate for you to look at that. You can choose how extensively you want to do that.
I do want to be clear about this. We anticipated that the primary role of the committee was going to be to provide continuing parliamentary oversight, throughout the time of the crisis, of how the government was using its authority. What we certainly did not preclude was the ability of the committee to look at whether or not the authority that the government had given itself was appropriate.