I just want to bring up a few thoughts.
I've lived in a different world, of course, but we had a lot of report writing when we had disciplinary situations in sport and bankruptcies...and what we were going to do.
There seem to be some key words: momentum, focus and sense of urgency. Is there momentum? What type of focus do we have, and what type of sense of urgency do we have? What is the group interest? Are we working as a group for all Canadians, or are we working for ourselves, strictly, whether we are Conservative or whatever side of the fence we are on? I think we have to recognize, and I'm sure that everybody does, that once we get into summertime, lights go out. You can be the best person in the world, but you're looking for your rest.
What can be done between now and when we break? What type of momentum can we create that would give us some gas in the fall period? Do we have enough support folks around who could do some grunt work that develops some form of continuity so that when we come back in the fall, we're not going to be saying, “Oh my goodness, we've been off all summer”?
I put that on the floor as a rookie. I've been in business for 45 years, and I think I understand it. I've been in leadership positions, but regarding momentum, focus and a sense of urgency, there needs to be some commonality around the room. The game playing is not going to solve anything. Are we working for the interests of Canadians or our own self-interest? That needs to be really thought through.