They are two entirely different animals. The War Measures Act allowed for the complete suspension of rights. The Emergencies Act does not do that. Rights continue to subsist. The charter continues to apply. We have the duty to be here in front of you to explain what we've done. We have the duty to have a public inquiry. We have a duty to table certain documents. None of that was present under the War Measures Act. The War Measures Act was much more authoritarian. I have said this publicly tonight and I'll say it again that I thought the changes brought by Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Beatty were very balanced, and we have applied those.
With respect to the charter, no rights are unlimited. There's a balancing provision within the charter, section 1 of the charter. We were targeting illegal activity. We were targeting unlawful protests. We weren't targeting lawful protests. We weren't targeting freedom of speech. Freedom of speech that people had was never restricted. Only blocking bridges, city of Ottawa, threatening in other places—that's the kind of activity we were targeting very specifically.