It was a gap in the sense that they are not covered as a reporting entity. I think the jury is still out. It's new. I think that once they do, if it does become permanent—and it was announced that it would become permanent—we will learn as we go on in terms of what type of reporting we're going to see. I don't know the extent of reporting that we would see from them, so I think it's something that we will learn together as we move forward.
Certainly, I do believe that having them subject to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act would, at the very least, act as a deterrent for anyone who might want to use a crowdfunding platform to advance nefarious activities. So I believe it will have at least that effect.
Because our threshold of reporting is $10,000 or more in or out of Canada, we would not see the transactions within Canada unless they were suspicious. So I'm not sure what type of reporting we'll get, but I think the jury is out, and we look forward to it. I think any way that we can attempt to reduce the opportunities for people to use these in a nefarious way is beneficial.