First, I agree with my counterparts, Catherine and Michael. They're certainly looking at it from a very specific sector's perspective.
I'll maybe take a step back, though. We've been working on procurement policy with Canadian governments for as long as I can remember. We can't even get governments to look at economic analysis.
I just want to take a little step back here. I agree 100% with where you're going on this, but we also need to have the economic analysis as part of that. The two go together. It has to be an economic and an environmental analysis. None of that really takes place in any government anywhere in the country. There is some of that with infrastructure projects in Ontario and Quebec, but that's pretty much about it right now.
All of that is really important, and this is why we've really been pushing for an overall examination of Canada's procurement policies as part of the recovery action the government is taking. It should be looking at environmental issues and seeing how we can green supply chains and have low carbon input into it, and we also need to look at the overall economic impact, which includes the environment as part of that.
I agree with everything they were saying. I just want to add that little element on top of it, to take a bigger picture look as well.