From our perspective, there is no greater societal challenge after COVID than climate change. I can give you an example of where American companies will bring cement from Korea and China into the U.S.—the Pacific northwest—and then put it on a truck and bring it into British Columbia. We know that British Columbia has had a carbon tax since 2008. The carbon tax is only applied to fuels used to make cement or to make any other product in British Columbia, so this cement that comes from Asia by boat, causing 25% more greenhouse gases as it's shipped across the Pacific into Washington state, then by truck into B.C., avoids our carbon pricing system. They avoid the carbon tax. From 2009 to 2014, 42% of the cement used in British Columbia came into British Columbia with no carbon tax because it came through Asia via America. That's why we really do need a mechanism like a border carbon adjustment to protect our domestic industry, our union jobs and the way our plants operate.