Thank you.
I'll turn to Mr. Sobot again.
When I'm thinking about this from a natural resources point of view, I know that one of the big disagreements we've had with the United States—and I talked about this the last time I was on this committee—is the softwood lumber disagreement and how that whole situation is one of the major reasons we have such soaring lumber prices in Canada, for instance, and across North America. We use that argument in the United States to say, “Why do you punish us? You're only punishing yourself. You're making it much more expensive to build houses, to do everything.” However, that doesn't seem to gain enough traction.
I'm wondering if there's any argument there with regard to, for instance, your pipe. Is that something that, if you were excluded from the U.S. market, would affect prices in any way? Can we use that argument with the United States?