Thank you for the question.
We're pretty advanced. We've undertaken an RFI process and gone through the whole process of asking different states how committed they are to electrification and analyzing all the different cost factors that influenced that decision.
Honestly, the decision to build the factory in the U.S. is also partially about showing that we are committed to the U.S. market, and we want to be part of helping that economy as well benefit from the opportunities with electrification.
For us, the really big distinction is whether we can do this in an efficient way like the auto sector does, which is an integrated continental manufacturing structure where maybe you produce one product line in the U.S. and continue to produce most here in Canada. Can we do that in a way that's good for consumers and good for our economy, or do we have to do it in a way that's duplicative, raises costs, has double product lines built in Canada and the United States and basically raises costs for everyone? That is the number one concern, I would say, on our radar right now.
Number two, I think Mr. Sobot's story is just such a great concrete illustration of the wild things that happen when you have a protectionist system like this, which is just so open to misinterpretation or misapplication by different levels of government that are interpreting it. That's another thing we're very concerned about.