Thank you very much.
With respect to Line 5, there are at least two important ways in which this issue is different from issues like the Keystone XL pipeline, for instance, or the Trans Mountain pipeline. One of those differences, in the view of the NDP, is that we're talking about a project that is existing infrastructure. It's not predicated upon increasing the rate of extraction or the amount of barrels per day. It's what we're already doing.
The second important distinction is that this is the pipeline that's part and parcel of Canadians being able to do value-added work, which they're unfortunately often not able to do. We've seen a significant reduction in refining and upgrading within Canada over the last 20 or 30 years.
As we look to this project and as we look to what will be an era of better co-operation, hopefully, between Canada and the U.S. on the climate change front, what do you think are some of the ways in which Canada, in the context of a larger North American energy strategy, can be advocating to have those kinds of value-added jobs so that Canada isn't simply the supplier of raw resource to the United States, where the upgrading and refining occurs? What are the opportunities for Canada to ensure that we're doing value-added work here and getting the benefit of the employment that comes with that secondary kind of work?