Thank you, Mr. Savard-Tremblay.
We, of course, share that water body. We share the health and safety of our fellow citizens on both sides of the border. There are a number of different agreements, and a number of different agencies and bodies that interact on a very regular basis. Certainly my hope here would be, as we've talked about most of this afternoon, that you will see diplomacy, you will see what [Technical difficulty—Editor], and we will continue to look at those agreements.
I think the treaties, the amicus ability to look at those and ask how we resolve this, how we come to the table as partners.... We are the greatest partners in the world that share borders, share water bodies. At the end of the day, I think we can come to a resolve if we take that mindset that it's about the people and we never lose sight of it—it's about the benefit and the viability of people now and in the future—and we continue to come to the table with open minds, with diplomacy, and try to work together for a resolution that can work for both sides.