Thank you, Mr. Savard-Tremblay.
Absolutely, I think these are legitimate concerns. We absolutely, though, have to look at this in a pragmatic, rational way. We have to have energy stability. We have to move forward, and as I've shared with you, we have to have the enhancement of hydrogen, the enhancement of more nuclear. We're refurbishing a big fleet of our energy sector right now to ensure that it's clean, affordable, reliable energy. But as I go back to this again.... This pipeline has been in existence for many years with no concern with regard to release or spills. We believe that it can continue to do that while we work on emerging into new forms of technology, new ways to be able to power our economies on both sides of the border, and frankly, we all have to do that for the next generation.
My riding is on the Great Lakes. I'm surrounded, if you look on the map. Bruce Peninsula.... We're surrounded by the Great Lakes, and absolutely, that's a concern, but so are the livelihoods of our people on both sides of the border and so is the ability to ensure that we have sustainable, reliable power for our hospitals, for our long-term care facilities and for our constituents, the people we're given the privilege to serve.
I think that we can do both of these in tandem. I think that we can protect the water. I think that we can protect the environment and protect jobs and do it all simultaneously and have a plan going forward to ensure that we have new forms of energy in the future. However, it just cannot happen overnight, quickly, as Governor Whitmer thinks it should happen today.
Thank you.