Thanks, Mr. Blaikie.
As far as differentiating between pipelines, I don't think that's a great plan. My hometown is where the first oil refinery in North America was. The very first Imperial Oil facility was built here.
We've all taken a beating lately due to, basically, the pressure that's been put on the oil industry, and really, we need to loosen the reins up on that. Energy east would be a fantastic plan to get Alberta crude to our east coast refineries. It would get Alberta back on its feet. It would get the east coast using Canadian oil in Canadian refineries.
As far as Keystone XL or any other pipeline that is used to transport Canadian oil to the States, how can it be a bad thing to get our oil industry back up and running, to bring billions in revenue back into Canada? Let's face it—the oil that the Americans use, or any oil that would be shipped offshore, is just going to come from someplace else. It's going to come from the Saudis. It's oil that's going to be consumed, and it's like we're punishing oil and gas workers for being oil and gas workers. There's no benefit to preventing our oil industry from thriving, right?