Thank you.
My apologies in advance if this is a fairly specific question, but it's of great importance to my riding. I mentioned wine before, but the other big product that has really affected the local economy here for more than a century is tree fruits—apples, cherries, apricots, peaches, etc.
Over the past few decades, British Columbia's fruit production, concentrated in my riding and the rest of the Okanagan Valley, has really been hit by increasing American production. We happen to live across the border from the biggest producers of tree fruits in the world in Washington state, and the real increase in Washington state's production has come because of water from the Columbia River, specifically the irrigation projects driven by the building of the Grand Coulee Dam back in the 1930s, aided by the Columbia River treaty in the 1960s, which guaranteed certain amounts of water to the United States.
Now we are renegotiating that treaty, the Columbia River treaty. It expires in 2024, and I'm wondering if there's anyone here who can comment on the Canadian proposals that would limit any access to specific quantities of water for American agriculture. Right now in the present treaty, that is not included, and the local fruit growers are concerned that they will lose even more in a renegotiated treaty.
Also, what access do they have to redress if, as they felt last year, American products are being dumped north across the border and they just can't compete at 12 cents a pound for apples, for instance?