Thank you.
At present, the Minister of Public Services and Procurement and I work together in a whole-of-government approach. There's a function here that is doing a lot of work to provide greater opportunities for our small and medium-sized businesses to have access to the business we offer, I suppose, as government, but in addition to that I, of course, lead both the Black entrepreneurship strategy, as well as the women's entrepreneurship strategy. This is about being able to also, again, create more opportunities and build that infrastructure in those ecosystems to help our Canadian businesses get a leg up to pursue opportunities and to be successful in those opportunities.
For me, as the trade minister, I have what I call the “trade tool kit”, a trade tool kit that puts EDC, BDC, the trade commissioner service, Invest in Canada and the Canadian Commercial Corporation together in a way such that I focus our energies to help our small and medium-sized businesses get access to those businesses, not the least of which is the trade accelerator program that we've put together, which has helped literally many businesses to grow and to grow into those export markets. That work is a top commitment of mine. I've been doing that from day one as the Minister of Small Business to help them get access and to get the capacity and to build.
In fact, right now, I'm on a virtual trade mission to France. I have 300 companies in France doing work, building relationships and business-to-business opportunities and finding investment attraction. That's on top of some of the other virtual trade missions, which I would love to talk more about, but I feel that I should let you ask the next question.