Thank you.
In case you're not aware, many of us have been following feedback coming in on Twitter, just as an opportunity for Canadians.
Professor LeDuc, there has been a bit of interest in the list PR system that you put forward, so I have some questions and comments I'd like to get your thoughts on. In no particular order, here is some of the feedback that's come in. Why do you feel this is appropriate? This seems to work well in Denmark, but would it apply in Canada?
Another comment is that this seems to be the system used in Spain, and yet six months after their first election—they've had two elections, I think—there's still no government. So what are the strengths or shortcomings of the system, and how would that work in Canada?
The other one was whether you are talking about an open or a closed list.
There are a bunch of things there, and you may want to tackle any of those in the limited time we have.