I'd also like to thank all of you for being here today. Those were very interesting presentations.
I have questions for all of you. I don't think I'll have enough time, but in my two rounds, hopefully I'll be able to get them all in.
I would like to start with you, Dr. Maskin. You've given us something to think about that we haven't really talked much about. There has been a lot of criticism about majoritarian rule or alternative vote. I was wondering if you could address some of that criticism. Some of it is that you would be favouring one candidate over another and it would carry on that way for a long time to come, or one party would be favoured over another in this system.
You've recently talked a bit about the primaries in the United States and how this voting system could have potentially changed the outcome in those primaries. Can you shed some light on whether that would be the case, whether we would always have a predicted outcome under that system?