Hello. I'm Blair Mahaffy. I'm from Lorette, which is part of this riding as well. I'm with the Green Party in this riding, a small fraction of the voters.
I thought the political diversity of the backgrounds in this room was very interesting. It shows how people can come together at a table and work on a problem. This is why I'm a big supporter of proportional representation. I think it's really good to get lots of good ideas at a table and come up with an idea together.
I don't think that happens so much with first past the post and the big majorities that tend to drive things through.
I think the Liberal Party has been very courageous in opening up this committee to a lot of different opinions.
I want to make one quick comment on Professor Koop's observations. There were 600,000 Green voters, 800,000 Bloc voters, three-million-and-some NDP voters, many of whom do not feel they have a representative in Parliament. I'm sure Ms. May can't deal with all 600,000 Green voters.
I'd like to have more representation for my views. I'm probably very similar to many people across the country who don't feel our local representative follows our views, and we may not get a sympathetic ear.
I like the idea of having someone in a regional setting or a proportional setting that has a sympathetic ear to my views.
Thank you. Good luck.