I'm tempted to suggest that you work with Mr. Kidd and help promote his idea, and we can see how that goes.
Mr. Kidd, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think there's a unique aspect to what you're proposing for us today. You're the first witness I've heard and I think the first author I've seen address the issue that not only do the votes that go to a candidate who fails to win not count, but the votes you describe as superfluous votes don't count.
I've never actually put my mind to this notion that there are votes that aren't counted because you vote for the winner. The voter who votes for the candidate who wins, you really don't know if it was your vote that put them over the top or whether that vote was superfluous. You do feel general satisfaction with the election results to a higher degree than people whose votes didn't count because their candidate lost.
Has anyone else addressed this issue of excess winning votes?