On the question of open and closed lists, I personally favour closed lists, because if the parties get to choose who is going to be representing the proportional seats, they can make sure they're balanced ethnically, gender-wise, and even according to other criteria like professional expertise, and so forth. If you make open lists, then who knows who the people who are voting will put in there. There may not be any ethnic representation. I like the closed list; I do prefer that. I know Fair Vote Canada has said they like open lists, but I don't know.
Also, I should say that if the proportional seats are assigned regionally, then you wouldn't need a long list for Canada. All you would have to do is make sure that within each region, and this is if you had closed lists, you could have closed lists for each party so the people would know who they were voting for.
If you have open lists and they have to choose among them, then you're complicating the ballot. I like the X ballot, but if you want to have a right-hand side where they get to choose anybody who happened to win a proportional seat, that's your choice. Maybe you could do that, but that's complicating the ballot.