Yes, there's no doubt that accountability is a real strength of our current system. People can very clearly see their votes have an effect in the riding. You get wasted votes, the phenomenon of wasted votes, but you can see if incumbent MPs get fewer votes than the challengers, they lose. It's that simple. It's transparent. It makes MPs accountable.
What you're referring to specifically is that under MMP you can have a party list. You can have list MPs. A government can go down to defeat. A party can get a terrible result in an election and yet list MPs can still win. If the party wins a certain proportion of the vote, they elect a proportion of list MPs.
I think if MMP was adopted in Canada, that would be a new experience for Canadians they haven't seen before. It would probably not be thrilling for them in terms of their sense of accountability in being able to hold politicians accountable.
Yes, it's a strength of the current system, for sure.